
Galería Clásica Videos

Espirita (L) (ARG)
Sep. 16, 2023
Game Winner (2018) ARG
Curlinello y Girlish Intuition por Orpen
Forli (G2) (ARG)
Jun. 3, 2023
Pay The Man (2018) ARG
Treasure Beach y Put It All por Honour and Glory
Fallow (ARG)
Feb. 18, 2023
Game Winner (2018) ARG
Curlinello y Girlish Intuition por Orpen
Tit Ruler (2015) ARG
Roman Ruler y Tapzig por Pleasant Tap
Fallow (ARG)
Feb. 19, 2020
Tit Ruler (2015) ARG
Roman Ruler y Tapzig por Pleasant Tap
Carlos Gardel (L) (ARG)
Oct. 16, 2017
Best Times (2012) ARG
Cima De Triomphe y Bar Belle por Smart Strike
Last Graffiti (2013) ARG
Curlinello y La Pagoda por Southern Halo


Same Treasure (Treasure Beach) conquista Condicional...

Same Treasure (Treasure Beach) conquista Condicional...

Hija de Treasure Beach (Galileo) se queda con la victoria en Condicional (1600m-Pasto) para yeguas...

  • Febrero 9, 2025, Argentina
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Pay Pale (Curlinello) se lleva Handicap...

Pay Pale (Curlinello) se lleva Handicap...

Oriundo del Orilla Del Monte se quedó con la victoria en Handicap (1300m-Arena) para todo caballo de...

  • Enero 26, 2025, Argentina
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Tenth Beach (Treasure Beach) se quedó con la victoria...

Tenth Beach (Treasure Beach) se quedó con la victoria...

Hijo de Treasure Beach (Galileo) conquistó Condicional (1400m-Arena) para potrillos 3 años no...

  • Diciembre 29, 2024, Argentina
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Day Curl (Curlinello) brilla en Condicional...

Day Curl (Curlinello) brilla en Condicional...

La representante de las sedas del Stud Rock Del Campo (ro.) se adjudica Condicional (1200m-Arena)...

  • Diciembre 21, 2024, Argentina
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Últimos Triunfos Clásicos

14dic2414Dic24 RROS Pay Pale (Curlinello) 1000m 1°/8
16sep2316Sep23 SSI Game Winner (Curlinello) 1800m 1°/4
3jun233Jun23 SSI Pay The Man (Treasure Beach) 1800m 1°/7
18feb2318Feb23 SSI Game Winner (Curlinello) 1600m 1°/7
13dic2113Dic21 PPAL Tit Ruler (Roman Ruler) 1400m 1°/7
15may2115May21 PPAL Tit Ruler (Roman Ruler) 1600m 1°/9
25abr2125Abr21 PPAL Tit Ruler (Roman Ruler) 1400m 1°/12
14mar2014Mar20 SSI Tit Ruler (Roman Ruler) 1600m 1°/17
19feb2019Feb20 SSI Tit Ruler (Roman Ruler) 1600m 1°/7
16oct1716Oct17 PPAL Best Times (Cima De Triomphe) 1800m 1°/5
20ago1720Ago17 LLP Last Graffiti (Curlinello) 1600m 1°/5
18jul1718Jul17 LLP Last Graffiti (Curlinello) 1600m 1°/7
9may179May17 LLP Last Graffiti (Curlinello) 1400m 1°/7
20abr1720Abr17 HHCH Temple Of Doom (Footstepsinthesand) 1200m 1°/12
21oct1621Oct16 SSI Last Graffiti (Curlinello) 1400m 1°/6
Últimos Triunfos y Figuraciones

16feb2516Feb25 PPAL Indie Joy (Roman Joy) CdCd 1000m 2°/8
14feb2514Feb25 PPAL Day Curl (Curlinello) CdCd 1200m 2°/7
14feb2514Feb25 PPAL In Again (Seek Again) CdCd 1600m 2°/7
9feb259Feb25 SSI Same Treasure (Treasure Beach) CdCd 1600m 1°/6
9feb259Feb25 RROS Pay Pale (Curlinello) HdHd 1000m 2°/7
6feb256Feb25 LLP Maiden Mare (Sixties Song) CdCd 1000m 3°/8
26ene2526Ene25 RROS Pay Pale (Curlinello) HdHd 1300m 1°/6
25ene2525Ene25 LLP Indie Joy (Roman Joy) 1000m 2°/7
24ene2524Ene25 PPAL In Again (Seek Again) CdCd 1800m 3°/7
22ene2522Ene25 SSI Looks Great (Orpen) CdCd 1100m 4°/9
19ene2519Ene25 LLP Dutch Gang (Southern Cat) CdCd 1200m 2°/10
16ene2516Ene25 LLP Tea Cima (Cima De Triomphe) CdCd 2100m 4°/9
10ene2510Ene25 PPAL Total Colt (Curlinello) CdCd 1800m 3°/5
5ene255Ene25 SSI Jay Soundtrack (Long Island Sound) CdCd 1000m 4°/9
2ene252Ene25 LLP Tea Cima (Cima De Triomphe) CdCd 1600m 4°/8